Arts and Culture News
News ecologiqueerite A new generation of artists and museum-goers expect more from art than simply attractive pictures or informative texts; they want it to challenge and expand their perspectives – an approach many cultural institutions are eager to pursue.
Arts and culture play a vital role in society worldwide, from small villages to major metropolitan centers. Artistic expression often connects directly to spiritual beliefs such as understandings of relationships between nature, humans, and deities – providing a vital sense of identity and belonging for people worldwide.
This year’s thrilling shows about clothing, class politics and pop stars made this year a memorable one in arts and culture. From multisensory journeys to the site of John Kennedy’s assassination to museums dedicated to legendary African artists — these stories will give you something new to consider and enjoy.
With apps that bring famous paintings directly into your home, provide singing tips from sopranos, create GIFs and art from photos you have taken, allow you to twirl around Rosetta Stone replicas in 3D replicas from Babylonian maps to sculptures of Egyptian pharaohs and friezes from Parthenon friezes and so much more, the Internet offers tools that make learning about and appreciating cultural treasures much simpler.
Paul Hultin is an attorney, water and climate activist and advocate for Santa Fe arts community. In addition to his national civil trial practice, his focus includes public interest water and climate litigation as well as providing legal services to artists.