
Fishing News

Fishing News provides short reports that cover various topics related to fishing and marine conservation. Its objective is to inform, educate, and entertain. Fishing News provides readers with up-to-date news and information regarding commercial and sport fishing as it impacts on the environment, with articles covering everything from science, politics, law and regulations, quotas market trends destinations etc. Fishing News covers an expansive array of recreational fishing activities – from fly fishing and spin casting, trolling, deep sea fishing, pier and beach fishing as well as aquatic mammal, shellfish and cephalopod (octopus and squid) species as well as marine habitats such as seagrass meadows.

Fishing News is produced by a team of journalists based in the US, UK and Ireland and provides readers with an in-depth coverage of all aspects of fishing industry, giving access to various voices that span political ideology. Alongside feature stories, Fishing News also includes editorials, letters from the community and classified sections; its website is regularly updated and contains information from government agencies, academic and industry organizations as well as non-profits and media outlets.

Scientists have collected marine samples off Japan for the first time since radioactive wastewater from Fukushima’s damaged nuclear plant began entering the ocean – results are promising and may help coastal ecosystems weather an unprecedented period of stressors.

Small-scale fishermen in the Republic of Congo catch thousands of endangered sharks and rays each year by targeting these seafood items for consumption as their by-catch poses a major threat to reef ecosystems where these beloved seafood species reside.

Nations from around the globe have come together in New York in a dramatic display of international diplomacy to sign an historic accord to preserve at least 30% of our seas by 2030, an effort meant to mitigate ocean devastation but with challenges ahead that can only increase with time.

Since decades, Japanese fishermen have been fishing and eating squid, which has resulted in an ecological catastrophe. Trawling this vulnerable marine habitat has reduced squid population numbers drastically causing alarm among researchers and food lovers around the globe.

People who consume squid are eating not only a tasty treat but also overexploited aquatic mammal that faces extinction. Squid’s story illustrates one of the more complex interactions between humans and nature – as it illustrates our global community attempting to bridge a gap between our availability of fish and our demand. At the United Nations General Assembly meeting this week, world leaders pledged increased efforts against illegal fishing by intensifying efforts against overfishing crisis.

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